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Was Ted Cruz meant to rule the world?

This has nothing to do with sports, but after his meltdown last night, I figured I might ask the question--Was Ted Cruz sent from hell to try and rule the world? Even though I hate everything about the guy and disagree with most of his beliefs, the guy's got balls that just drag on the ground behind him. Last night he stood before a crowd filled with jacked up Republicans who were looking for words like freedom, fuck abortion, praise Jesus, no more taxes, bomb ISIS, and I endorse Trump so they could roar in approval. He mentioned each of those, except for one. The one that everyone was waiting for so anxiously... the words "I endorse Donald Trump as our next President". If he doesn't say those words, the RNC was going to murder him, easy as that.

Now I am not trying to bash Republicans here, but the demographic attending the RNC is actually just hilarious. I am positive it will be the same way at the DNC in Philadelphia. These people just come out of the wood works in order to voice their ridiculous opinions.

Ted Cruz went up in front of all of these RNC, Trump supporters and just dropped a bomb shell of a speech on them. Ted Cruz knew the ramifications of his speech, that's why he gave the RNC a different version of his speech before he went up there. The guy is just an absolute lunatic. He makes Tom Cruise seem normal. But his performance last night was exactly what I was looking for during a week that is by far the worst week for sports in the calendar year. Regular season MLB and WNBA, yikes.

Cruz got thrashed and booed during the last five minutes of his speech after not endorsing Trump. Many critics called his speech "selfish" and "political suicide". I say it was a turning moment in his career. I hope he goes on a tirade after this moment and attempts to run for president under a third party. If he were to do that, he would have my vote. I just want a President who has the balls to do whatever the fuck he wants. Hillary has her political agenda and Trump has his ego. Cruz is just an odd ball, wild card, do whatever pops into my head next kinda guy that just trumps both of the other candidates. Plus he would just make the presidential race can’t miss TV, more so than it already is. Here's to you Mr. Cruz, you truly are mentally insane.

This video just gets me every time

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