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NBA All-Star Game moved from Charlotte

"Without any movement by state legislators in North Carolina to change newly enacted laws targeted at the LGBT community, the NBA is pulling the 2017 All-Star Game out of Charlotte" - The Vertical

Are you kidding me? I'm not even mad at the NBA for pulling the plug. I am furious at the law makers who put this law into practice. On March 23, 2016, the Governor of North Carolina, Pat McCrory, signed into law the Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act, a bathroom bill that applies to students at North Carolina state schools, into law. The bill also overturns an anti-LGBT discrimination ordinance that had been passed by Charlotte, North Carolina, prevents local governments in the state from enacting similar ordinances, and prevents cities from raising their minimum wages higher than that of the state. In short, the law that is in place in North Carolina forces transgender men and women to use the bathroom of their original sex. The law is preposterous. North Carolina is part of a group of six states that have passed this law (Winsconsin, Arizona, Texas, Tennessee, and South Dakota). The law has not only affected the LGBT community in each of these states, but has led to many businesses pulling their operations from these states because the law goes against their company beliefs in many cases. It's estimated that House Bill 2 ( the name of of the anti-LGBT law) could cost the state of North Carolina $5 billion. Another quarter billion can be added to that estimate after this news.

In the end, the NBA had no choice but to pull the All-Star game from North Carolina. But as a Charlottian myself, it's a sad day for my community who proudly disagreed with this law being passed and voiced that to Governor McCrory. We do not try and discriminate based on people's sex. McCrory has done some progressive things while he has been in office, but this is just the opposite. The law goes directly against the morality of the National Basketball Association and Adam Silver did what he had to do. I just hate how it couldn't have been resolved. Plus I was really looking forward to maybe making the Hornets relevant again?!? Like Al Pacino says in Donnie Brasco "fugggetaboutit"

Another NOLA All-Stare game!!!!!

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